dalaman rafting

Dalaman Rafting, Marmaris, Muğla

Marmaris - Where to see National Parks

Rafter called the boat (with release) is a hill made of high river river sports. There are two stages in the Dalaman River, R3, R4 STAGE AND STAGE R3 meaning Rafting 3 c refers to the stage. R3 is the degree of difficulty and level 3 means 4. R4 Rafting refers to the 4th stage. R4 degree of difficulty you yapıcaks professional team at our level pumps1Pumps Bremen river rafting. Our guide is a river rafting guide of 10 years each. In addition, international IRF DOCUMENT IS WITH FIRST HALF AND TRAINING CERTIFICATE li ments.

Adres / Address:
Akköprü Mah, Akköprü sok no:391
Köyceğiz / Muğla
Telefon / Phone:
+90 0543 870 38 95
Web Sitesi / Web Site: