saglik muzesi edirne

Complex of Bayezid II Health Museum, Edirne

Edirne - Where to see Museums

Trakya University Sultan Bayezid II Complex Health Museum, located in Edirne, has become one of the most interesting museums of our country in recent years. This museum, which has made its name known in the country and abroad with the international awards it has received, is the only museum that truly keeps an Ottoman hospital alive today. With this feature, it sheds light on the importance of the Seljuk and Ottoman hospitals in our history of medicine.

Established under the name of the Health Museum and animated with features unique to its period, this museum won the European Council European Museum Award in 2004, which has been given since 1977 and is considered one of the most prestigious museum awards in the world, and achieved the success of being one of the two museums in our country that received this award.

Adres / Address:
Yeniimaret, 22000 Edirne Merkez/Edirne
Telefon / Phone:
+90 284 213 91 84
Web Sitesi / Web Site: